Something I have always striven for is to expand my knowledge, and develop new skills.
My mentor Mr. Small strongly urges all of his team members to read ten pages of a professional development book per day. I have a very hard time with this, because when I start reading a book I enjoy, I really don't want to put it down.
I'm currently reading Sun Tzu for Business Success, and it's an absolutely amazing book. I'll get lost in the pages sometimes, and exceed my goal of ten pages.
I picked the book up at Ollie's for dirt cheap. If you've never been in Ollie's, I highly recommend it - their business and other books are absolutely amazingly priced, and always changing. I can normally buy ten books at Ollie's for the price I normally pay for one.
But it's very important to always invest time in yourself, as well as your family. I really need to break myself of reading more than my ten pages per day, because I'll end up missing out on other important things, like family time.
Something I always stress to other people - it's great to be focused on work, but also focus on yourself, and focus on your family. If you spend all day and all night working, then you're not living life, you're just going through the motions.
Ken Buckler is the editor of the WashCo Chronicle